Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Doctor visits

Thank the Lord that we have gone to the doctor for the first time all year and NOT, I repeat, NOT had an ear infection!!! Infection free!!! Woohoo!!

We went for their yearly checkups and everything looks good with Colin. He is growing well and is in the 75th percentile across the board. He is also doing all of the things that he is supposed to be doing (and then some) for his age group. Unfortunately, he left the doctor's office with three new puncture wounds, and he was not too happy. But the lollipop from the nurse made that all better. I hate having to hold him down so they can hurt him. I know it's in his best interest, but at the time it sucks.

Growing like a weed...getting him started on his momma's sport!

Christopher is infection free as well, and is hitting milestones when he is supposed to. His growth was a small concern to the doctor, as he is only in the 4th percentile (yep, 4th) for weight, and the 41st for height. He hasn't even hit 20 pounds yet...shoot, he hasn't even hit 19!! They don't seem too worried, but said to definitely up his milk intake and to offer him the Pediasure shakes to help get him some extra fat and calories. Oh, and I forgot to mention his head size. His head is in the 85th percentile. So, we have a bobble head according to the numbers. Considering how huge Colin always was, this news came as quite a shock to me. I never saw myself having a tiny peanut (especially one that was born at 9 lb 2 oz) especially having had a chunky monkey previously. I guess I will just have to enjoy the baby size for a little longer. Can't say it's all bad!

Does this look like a bobble head to you???

This week we are in preparations for my sister's wedding on Saturday. I have a few things to do in order to look better than her, uh, I mean, look pretty at the wedding. I got my hair cut and colored today, the boys haircuts today, and I am getting my nails and spray tan done Thursday evening. I am very excited for the wedding and will be posting about it after I get home and recover! It definitely beats holding my kids down for their shots!

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