Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Poor sick boy!

I picked Colin up from school today and when I walked in his head was on the table. When he saw me, it wasn't, "Hi, Mommy!" It was, "Mommy, my head hurts." Now, historically when this happens, he is not making it up. He scrunches up his little face and holds his face in his hands and says "Ow. Ow. Ow." Then he inevitably vomits in the car.

He assured me today that he didn't feel sick, but his head just hurt. I told him to close his eyes and rest in the car and he would feel better after a nap. He fell asleep in the car and I thought sure that all was well in headacheland when we arrived home with no puke. He said his head still hurt as I carried him up the stairs, so I promised I would lay with him for a while, which is something I don't generally do. Poor thing was miserable.

So there we are laying in his twin size bed and I keep thinking that he'll fall asleep any minute because I am starting to drift also. Um, nope. An hour later, he's still awake and still complaining of his headache (I had given him some Motrin when we got home, I'm not evil). He gets this horrible look on his face and barfs all over himself and his bed. Thank God I was on the other side.

Then came the decision of how to get his shirt off without spreading chunks of vomit all over his face and through his hair. There was one spot with no vomit. Did I mention that I am trying hard not to lose MY lunch at this point? Well, I got him undressed (unsuccessfully avoiding the hair, by the way) and into the tub. He assures me he's "done" so I get him redressed and put him in my bed while I scrape the chunks off of his clothes and bedsheets so I can get them in the washer on sanitize mode.

He's laying in our big bed looking so small and he gets the look. I make him get out of bed and we start walking to my bathroom and he says "But, I'm going to get sick if I get up." :( And yes, he vomited more (he made it this time). This went on all evening and I must say, it is THE most heartbreaking thing to watch his little body wracked with the dry heaves. So hopefully this was a short-term thing and he will be on the up and up tomorrow.

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