Sunday, July 26, 2009

Drama, drama, drama...

OK, so barring all of the other things I have to blog about, I am deciding to write about something seemed to cause some confusion for those on my facebook page. I had set my status to say something about the past needs to remain in the past, it's over, move on, blah, blah, blah. Melodie and Amy were curious and suggested that I should blog about it. At first I wasn't so sure, because it is stuff that no one really cares about, but then I thought about it in terms of blogging. Isn't that what blogging is supposed to be for? Yes, it's great for the stories and photos and fun times, but isn't it also a way to burn off some frustration and get thoughts out? So here we go.

I started playing travel soccer at age 9 on a team called the Sterling Blast. This would be the team I stayed on until graduating high school. It was a GIANT part of my life and I am still in contact with many of the girls that I played with back then. The coach of the team and I were very close from the time I made the team. He taught me all sorts of skills and encouraged me to get better and try new things on the field. He became a sort of father figure through the years, and I was close to his family as well. As those years went on, he left our team and moved on. I was upset at first, but I maintained close contact and even helped him coach his little girls team once in a while. Then it all changed. I went to college and on one trip home, my mom sat me down and told me that my coach was leaving his wife and he was not only leaving, but was "seeing" someone. Someone that was only 3 years older than me and I had played high school soccer with. Someone who had dated his son and referred to the coach as "Pa." I was shocked and disgusted immediately. I was also hurt, and my vision of this person shattered. I mourned the loss of the person I had known and decided that I just didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I remained a part of his wife's life, as well as his son and daughter, avoiding any sort of conversation about him. There was a time in my freshmen year of college that I spoke to him on the phone and told him how I felt about it. It didn't go over well, and his attitude was pretty much, "I don't care what you think or feel." That was the end of it.

Until yesterday.

Facebook is wonderful and terrible for many reasons. You can find people that you want to find. Old friends, relatives, and acquaintances that you have previously lost touch with come out of the woodwork. I have rekindled some very special friendships because of facebook (right, Robin?). Then there is the downside, with people being able to find you, too. People you thought were no longer a part of your life and you didn't want back in. You don't even have to be "friends" with someone for them to be able to contact you. I have run in to this now twice.

Yesterday I received an email message from my old coach through facebook. It made me angry. Not because he emailed me, but because of the attitude he gave me in the email. "Still mad at me after it has lasted 13 years?" That is how he started it. As though I had done something wrong when I was 18 years old by being hurt by someone I had previously admired. So I wrote him back and pretty much told him that no I wasn't angry, because I didn't care about him or his relationship, and that I never thought of him at all, but the fact that he felt he needed to justify it to me was interesting. This is a 60+ year old man and he apparently still worries about what I think of him. Sad. He seems more worried about my opinion of him than he did of his own family 13 years ago. It still grosses me out.

So for those of you who were wondering what the drama was about yesterday, this is it. It's really not a big deal, but it was to me when it was going on a while back.


  1. Yes, Facebook is awesome for reconnecting those you want to be connected with. I am so glad you found me on there and that we have been able to reconnect! Sorry for the bad side of it, though. I never knew that story - so sorry you had to go through that!

  2. he still married to the 33-34 year old?????????????

  3. He never married her...they have just been living together this whole time.
