Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Two weeks after the fact, but who's counting?

My Birthday and Mother's Day weekend was fantastic. I have simply been too lazy to blog about it until now! I was treated like a queen the entire time and could not have felt more special.
On my birthday I was allowed to "sleep in" to the late, late time of 7:30. Even at that very normal wake up time, it was wonderful to hear Colin saying, "Happy Birthday, Mommy!!" Roger and Colin left shortly after I woke up to go and do some last minute preparations for my day. Christopher went down for a nap and I was able to lollygag in the shower as long as I wanted to. It was glorious. I took my sweet time getting ready for the day while Roger and Colin came home and I was beckoned down the stairs. Colin was holding a gorgeous bouquet of bright pink roses for me. He had picked them out all by himself and was insistent that those were the ones I needed. They were perfect! Then I was sent back upstairs so Roger could "set up." In the meantime, Christopher woke up and we spent some time playing while we waited. When I was allowed to go downstairs, I walked into the kitchen to a beautiful spread of a cake with candles (no, he didn't put 31 candles on there, but he had bought the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" letter candles and the numbers 3 and 1). Here is a picture of the spread. It was awesome. I have the best husband (and children, too, I must say)! The rest of the day was spent with our neighbors at the zoo and eating a wonderful pizza dinner at the Mellow Mushroom. It was really yummy and we had a great time!
Christopher REALLY enjoyed the cake...I guess this is practice for his 1 year party!

Colin at the zoo...I had to catch him at random moments because he hates having his picture taken.
Mother's Day was more of the same pampering. Just getting some time outside in the flower garden was a joy for me. It was great. Until I came in from pulling weeds and pruning bushes with dirt under my nails and all over me and realized that I also had a very interesting new tan line (um, shall I say burn line to be more accurate?) on my low back. Apparently my shirt had been exposing my lower back while I bent over pulling weeds and had remained that way the entire time I was out there (probably a total of about 2 hours). I am not a sun worshipper in the slightest sense of the word, so you can imagine what it looked like--and eventually felt like. I am not sure that I have ever had such an oddly shaped burn in such a random place. Who needs sunscreen?? Me, apparently! Other than that, the day was wonderful AND my front flower bed looks fantastic! I am truly loved by all of my boys, as well as my wonderful family and friends. I am a blessed woman and I appreciate every bit of it. Well, except the scorch mark on my back.

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