Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Days from...uh, you know where.

Colin has definitely been trying my patience today. Unfortunately he is winning. Roger is out of town again and the kid has decided that it is my fault. Yep, all of it. Roger being gone, he bit his lip earlier, he hit his brother across the head with a toy, he didn't want to wear long sleeves today, he doesn't like sleeping, he won't eat the pizza for dinner because his lip hurts, and I am sure a slew of other things such as the wind is blowing, and the sky is blue, too. He actually said to me earlier, "I want you to go to someone else's house and I want Daddy to stay with me. He won't fight with me." Wow. He has already lost his trains and cars until Roger gets home because he had a red card at school yesterday. He has been in time out twice today, and there have been so many tears I could probably name a river after him. My own role in this has not been totally innocent, I must admit. I have let my temper get the better of me and my raised voice (okay, yelling voice) doesn't ever help manners. I have had my own share of apologies to make. Fortunately, this week will not go on forever, and tomorrow will allow for a deep breath and a new start for both of us. Thankfully Christopher has gone a little bit easier on me. Wonder how long until he wants me to move out, too?

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. The week is almost over. I know how you feel when you can't seem to do anything right in the kids' eyes. But then you just have to remember the previous blog about your birthday and mother's day to remember that they do actually love you!
