Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rising early is for suckers

Colin is in a new stage. He likes to wake up before the sun comes up...lately around 5:30 am. He is convinced that as soon as his eyes pop open, he is ready to begin the day. This is SO not the case. Every morning he gets up, turns on his bedroom light, goes in his bathroom (which he shares with his brother--it connects their rooms) and turns on that light, goes to the bathroom, and returns to his room. Usually, he leaves the bathroom light on, which wakes up Christopher. Then he proceeds downstairs where it seems he turns on every light in the house. That is when we wake up.

This inevitably brings on the "Colin, turn off those lights, get upstairs and get back in bed."

"No. I don't want to go to bed."

"Get up here now or I am taking your trains."

"Don't take my trains!!!!!" Waaaaaaaaah! (lights going off, pitter patter of running feet)

"Colin, you know you are not allowed to leave your room until 7-0-0. Go back to sleep."

Then we all go back to bed.

Then in 15 minutes, he decides it's time to get up and turn on his light. It all happens again.

During the week he even waits until Roger leaves for work and then sneaks out of his room again. Except that his sneaking consists of turning all the lights on it's not really a very stealthy operation.

My friend Amy has been having "early riser" problems with her baby. I just want to assure her that it doesn't end there. Have fun, Amy, have fun.

1 comment:

  1. So true....Kaylee (5 years old) still wakes up with the sun! And she doesn't know how to close a door lightly, no matter how many times we have taught her. So, we don't have issues with lights being turned on, just bedroom doors and bathroom doors being slammed!
