Sunday, March 22, 2009

While Daddy's away, the boys will play...

Another week has gone by with Roger out of town for work, and a major change in schedule for the boys. This week was admittedly much better than previous trips that Roger has taken. Colin and I seem to have reached a point in which he doesn't feel the need to fight with me the entire time Roger is gone. He is certainly growing up and proving to be a fantastic help for me around the house and with Christopher. It is very fulfilling to watch the transformation of my big boy. I can't believe that only a few months ago I was sharing with the world that my 3-year-old had lost his mind (eating earrings, tearing up his advent calendar, and getting into the vitamins), and now I am singing his praises as a maturing almost-4-year-old. I am thankful that I didn't auction him off to the highest bidder like I was tempted!

Christopher has discovered a few new things this week. He thinks it is fantastic to laugh and giggle for no reason. He'll be sitting on the floor or wherever, he'll look up and say "heh heh heh!" He is becoming more skilled at crawling with his belly off of the floor, and has learned to pull himself up to standing on pretty much everything. He is very proud of this new skill and looks for praise with a giant grin once he gets up. His smile lights up the room and as the front desk lady at the gym informed me, he could be my "cash cow" if I wanted him to. I tend to agree, as he is always ready with a smile and now a giggle. I might be a bit biased. Here is a video of the boys playing together one afternoon this week. Parts of it get long and boring, but bear with it because it shows Christopher and his newfound skill. Just ignore the voice in the background. I never realized I had a man voice until hearing it on tape. Horrible-and no one saw fit to tell me. Thanks, everyone. Thanks.


  1. So cute! Hailey did that exact same thing with using the rings as slippers! Nobody likes their voice on least you don't sound like you are 5 like I do!

  2. Angela, I never told you this before:
    You have a man voice.
