Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter laziness...

Well, I have been faithfully reading my friends' blogs about their Easter celebrations and looking at their pictures of the elegantly decorated baskets, the egg hunts, and beautifully baked treats. Well done, everyone!

Notice I don't have any pictures of anything. I totally slacked off this year in the Easter department. No excuses, other than that is was kind of an afterthought this year. I realized Saturday night that I hadn't bought ANYTHING for Easter baskets. The boys got them, but you could tell they were thrown together. Luckily they don't have a clue yet about proper planning! So forgive me for being a lazy Easter Bunny this year. Glad everyone else was on top of it all. There's always next year!


  1. We boiled, dyed, and deviled no eggs, sliced no ham, and mixed no potato salad, yet Easter came and was wonderful.
    The preacher was in the hospital, but the choir sang, the brass brassed and the bells rang. Our minister of music preached the resurrection sermon. I was blessed to deliver the Easter Proclamation that was our call to worship: "Jesus is ALIVE. He is Risen! Alleluia!"
    It's not the eggs, the ham, the potato salad, or even the bunny, the baskets the chocolates and jelly beans. It's the proclamation. "He is risen. He is risen indeed. Jesus Christ is risen! Alleluia!
    It's Easter, and it's wonderful!

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes it's better to just enjoy the moment and keep the memories in your mind!
