Sunday, April 5, 2009

Who doesn't love bathroom humor???

Conversation in the bathroom this morning led to some laughs. It went as follows:

Mommy: Wow, that was fast!
Colin: That was just a baby poop.
Mommy: Oh, ok (giggle).
Colin: This is the daddy one. It's a big one.
Mommy: (ha ha ha ha ha) Oh.
Colin: The mommy isn't coming out.

By this time, I am laughing out loud. NO IDEA where he might have gotten this side of his humor. :)


  1. Haha!! I referenced this post in my own bathroom humor post. Where do kids come up with these things???

  2. Hilarious! Mason has many names for her little and big poops too. Pooplets and snakes just to name a couple. Yesterday as she was sitting on the potty, she got a nasty face. I asked what was wrong. "My poopy stinks." "Really, I don't smell it." "Yeah, it's really bad, Mommy. Eww." Grossing herself out on the potty - nice. Then last night she decided to hide her used toilet paper in her panties just to "tease mommy." And this is my girl - can't wait for Cooper to get into it too! ha ha ha

  3. You should get a "load" of some of the ones my big kids can drop...
